10. December, 2020
A collective employment contract (CEC) is concluded between employers or their associations and employee organisations in order to regulate the terms and conditions of employment and the relationship between the parties to the CEC. Some of a CEC’s provisions affect payroll accounting. A collective employment contract may contain provisions governing the commencement, specifics and termination of employment. […] More...
10. December, 2020
Any regulation of succession within a family must take the provisions of matrimonial property and inheritance law into account. Compliance with the statutory entitlement is particularly difficult if there are only a limited number of other assets apart from the company. However, due to the freedom of contract, the legal options available may be expanded […] More...
10. December, 2020
In our experience, the succession process takes at least five years from start to finish. Companies (generally) allow enough time for planning in this regard. We all know that communication is essential in order for a management handover to be successful, but… “Should we also inform the media?” “Is it not OK to just send […] More...
8. April, 2020
Per 1. November 2019 ist das Bundesgesetz zur Umsetzung von Empfehlungen des Global Forum in Kraft getreten. Damit werden für KMU die Inhaberaktien faktisch abgeschafft. Ziel des neuen Gesetzes ist die Bekämpfung der Steuerhinterziehung und Geldwäscherei. More...
Follow up 202014. January, 2016
Die Auswirkungen von FABI (Finanzierung und Ausbau der Eisenbahninfrastruktur) per 01.01.2016 More...
Follow up 2016Any regulation of succession within a family must take the provisions of matrimonial property and inheritance law into account. Compliance with the statutory entitlement is particularly difficult if there are only a limited number of other assets apart from the company. However, due to the freedom of contract, the legal options available may be expanded […]
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