Whether ordinary or limited audit, special audit or control body: audits help you as an entrepreneur to effectively and continually monitor how your goals are achieved.
Effective support for the entrepreneur to achieve his goals is how we understand an audit assignment. With demands for faultless corporate governance, uncompromisingly high standards are set for the integrity of an external audit. We adjust our approach to the specific features of each industry and the characteristics of each client. We select an efficient, benefit-and-risk-oriented approach; we take a broad view of the audit, not limited merely to interpreting figures in the annual accounts but also taking into account the business environment, business strategy and operational processes.
As audit experts, we have many years of experience in conducting the demanding, so-called ‘ordinary audits’. You of course benefit from that experience, even with ‘limited audits’ – e.g. for optimisation of taxes and processes.
One of the many foundations of successful entrepreneurship is constantly accumulating knowledge and ensuring that knowledge is transferred, maintaining a willingness to innovate and S³, Sustainably Securing Succession, in order to guarantee stability, continuity and prosperity. This principle has been Mannhart & Fehr’s secret recipe since it was founded. More...
A collective employment contract (CEC) is concluded between employers or their associations and employee organisations in order to regulate the terms and conditions of employment and the relationship between the parties to the CEC. Some of a CEC’s provisions affect payroll accounting. A collective employment contract may contain provisions governing the commencement, specifics and termination of employment. […]
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